Eloquence Academy

Empowering The Youth Through Debate

Who We Are

Founded in 2022, Eloquence Academy is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that aims to increase speech and debate accessibility. Debate (or “forensics”) is a popular academic activity in middle, high, and post-secondary schools nationwide. Eloquence provides equitable and low-cost debate programming (classes, tournaments, and school partnerships) to students across the United States and internationally. In particular, Eloquence seeks to recruit students and schools in geographically rural and historically underserved communities.

Our Program in Numbers

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Parents & Guardians

Boost your child's communication, persuasion, and thinking skills with our debate and public policy classes. Find the best programs for your kids, available year round


Are you a high school or college student looking to make a difference? Develop real-world experience under the mentorship of seasoned leadership through our internship program

Learning Providers

Gain access to a comprehensive curriculum focused on the art of persuasion, confident delivery, and impactful storytelling. Learn about how our program can fit into your learning environment today

Recent Initiatives

To learn more, explore our event gallery!